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Our Website Renewal

We are pleased to announce the renewal of Trailfinders official website.

Its design and format are renewed for our customers and business partners to visit and use it more comfortably.

We will continue updating it and providing more useful information about our “Tokyo Backstreets Bike Tour”.

The website in the other languages will be ready shortly.

Custom Made Tour


We Tokyo Backsteets Bike Tour welcome your original tour.

In Tokyo, we have a lot of amazing backstreets which are suitable for cycling. We can organize special tours for you, and we will accept your requests as much as we can.

Of course we can do it not only in Tokyo but also suberbs.

Please send a message with the date you wish to join, places and spots you wish to cycle, and the number of your group.

●Price – We will estimate the price when we receive your request.

●Booking and Enquiry

Please send a form. We usually reply within 24 hours.